Contact Us
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS)
P.O. Box 3660 Riyadh 11481
KSAU-HS- Riyadh +966-11-4299999
KSAU-HS- Jeddah +966-12-2246666
KSAU-HS- Al-Ahsa +966-13-5629000
Important Numbers-Riyadh
Emergency Medical Services: 66
Fire: 88
Security: 111
Communications: 12345
IT Services (ITS): 91234
Maintenance: 32211
Key Control: 91212
Operator: 0
College of Medicine-Riyadh
Phone: +966-11-4299999
Academic Affairs: ext 95137, 95234
Student Affairs: ext 95172, 95179
Library: 95160
College of Medicine(Female)
Academic Affairs: ext 51055-51065
Student Affairs: ext 51028-51052
College of Medicine-Jeddah
Phone: +966-12-2246666 ext 45904 -45903
College of Dentistry
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 95702 -14090
Library: 95756
College of Pharmacy
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 95049 - 95022 -95029
Library: 95016
College of Public Health & Health Informatics
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 95479 - 95406 - 95499
Library: 95468
College of Applied Medical Sciences - Riyadh
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 95183 - 95185
Library: 95125
College of Applied Medical Sciences - Al-Ahsa
Phone: +966-13-5629000 ext 28017 - 28018 - 28015
College of Nursing - Riyadh
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 51110 - 51117
Library: 51156
College of Nursing - Jeddah
Phone: +966-12-2246666 ext 46193 - 46217 - 46055
College of Nursing - AL-Ahssa
Phone: +966-13-5629000 ext 28404 - 28403 - 28418
Library: 28424
College of Science and Health Professions - Riyadh
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 95510 - 95570
Library: 95539
College of Science and Health Professions - Jeddah
Phone: +966-12-2246666 ext 45587 - 45581 - 45661
Library: 45541
College of Science and Health Professions (Female) – Jeddah
Phone: +966-12-2246666 ext 45622- 45633- 45418
Deanship of Admissions and Registration
Phone: +966-11-4299999 Ext: 95114
Phone: +966-12-2246666 ext 45453 - 45103 - 45114
Phone:+966-13-5629000 ext 29032 - 29041 - 29018
Deanship of Student Affairs
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 95299 - 95294
Phone:+966-13-5629000 ext 28501 - 28504
Deanship of Postgraduate Education
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 91200 -91117
Phone: +966-12-2246666 ext 45092
Phone: +966-13-5629000 ext 29992 - 29049 29093
University Relations & Media Department
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 92630 - 92638 - 92642
Phone: +966-12-2246666 ext 45335 - 45847
Phone:+966-13-5629000 ext 28509 - 28505
Administrative & Financial Affairs
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 92802
Recruitment Department:
Phone: +966-11-4299999 ext 92606