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  • Plan & Evaluate, Health Innovation Hackathon, Deanship of Student Affairs, KSAU-HS
     (31 Jan-2 Feb, 2023). ​
  • Participate in the 7th Health Professions Conference, Deanship of Student Affairs, KSAU-Hs
    (25-27 Dec, 2022).
    Plan & Evaluate, Health Innovation Hackathon, Deanship of Student Affairs, KSAU-HS
    (5-3 Mar, 2022).
  • Organize & participate in 3rd Saudi Society for Speech-language Pathology & Audiology
     (1-2 Oct, 2022)
  • Plan & Evaluate, Science Olympiad, Deanship of Student Affairs, KSAU-HS (4-5 Mar, 2020).
  • Participate in the 5th Health Professions Conference, Deanship of Student Affairs, KSAU-Hs
     (28-30, 2020).
  • Present a webinar titled (Student perceptions of Simulation Debriefing), The Art and Sciences of Using Simulation in Audiology Education Conference, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Pittsburgh University, USA (10-11 Jun, 2021).
  • Present workshop titled Audiology & speech-language pathology simulation training on the 1-3-6 EDHI timeline), Participate in American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, Florida, USA (20-23 Nov, 2019).
  • Present a workshop titled (EHDI: What do you know?), College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, (28 Nov, 2019).
  • Present a workshop titled (Early hearing detection and intervention), Research Center, Princess Nourah bin Abdulrahman University (4 Nov, 2019).
  • Host & participate in the 8th Saudi Society for Speech-language Pathology & Audiology scientific meeting (30 Oct, 2019)
  • Organize & participate in 2nd Saudi Society for Speech-language Pathology & Audiology
    (26-28 Sep, 2019)
  • Participate in MIT Saudi Hack for Health, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and King Abdulaziz City for Sciences and Technology (29 Nov-1 Dec, 2018).
  • Participate in the 3rd Health Professions Conference, Deanship of Student Affairs, KSAU-Hs
     (17-19 April, 2018)