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 Housing, Transportation, and other Fees.


KSAU-HS is a governmental, tuition-free university.


​Students housing is not available on campus; however, one-bedroom apartments are available for rent near the campus. The typical renting charges of one- bedroom apartment is ranged from 21,000 to 27,000 Saudi Riyal per year.


Transportation service inside the University is free for all students, faculties and other staff​​​.​​ ​​​All facilities of the university city in King Abdulaziz Medical City have been connected with electric transport vehicles containing (12) double ride stations, starting from the residential area of the university, passing through the recreational facilities, the academic complex and the medical city facilities, to the southern side of the medical city, where the colleges of medicine and nursing for female.​​

Tram Stops can be found here

 Library services

Text books and other references are available to students in the college library. For more information, please visit the library page​.​​​​​

The students can borrow three text books at a time and use other references, available in the library without any additional payment for a period of 7 days that can be renewed twice up to 21 days. However, delay in returning the text books may cost overdue charges of Two Saudi Riyals(SAR) per day to a maximum of 300 SAR per book. In addition, the students can borrow books from libraries of other colleges of the University, if it is not available in his or her own library.​

 Other services

The students can get financial assistance from various sources in KSAU HS for the purchase of Clothes, Medical Supplies and Text Books. For more details Click Here
The students can obtain lab coats to be used as part of the dress code of the University, from the concerned students' affairs officer in charge of the Clinical Nutrition program free of cost.​