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 Mission, Vision, Responsibilities

To reinforce applied health sciences research through multidisciplinary research integrated with advances in scientific education and stimulating research environment.​

Excellence in scientific research for COAMS student and scholar activities that advances the knowledge and practice in the fields of specialization.​


  • ​​Coordinate the research methodology courses (CAMS301 and CAMS 412) for all programs at the College of Applied Medical Sciences (COAMS).
  • Deliver all teaching materials related to the research methodology courses.
  • Provide support to all students for conducting and completing their research projects.
  • Check with King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC) regarding the new topics of students' research projects.
  • Review the research proposals prior the submission to KAIMRC to ensure meeting all the requirements of the proposal.
  • Communicate with KAIMRC regarding the process of ethical approval for students' projects.
  • Facilitate COAMS students' oral and poster participations at national/international scientific conferences.
  • Evaluate the research and development activities of COAMS.
  • Prepare and submit the required documents related to COAMS research activities (e.g.. the annual report) to the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation (QAAA) Unit.
  • Update the Student Research Board with the recent COAMS students' publications.
  • ​Enhance the research culture in COAMS.
