To reinforce applied health sciences research through multidisciplinary research integrated with advances in scientific education and stimulating research environment.
Excellence in scientific research for COAMS student and scholar activities that advances the knowledge and practice in the fields of specialization.
- Coordinate the research methodology courses (CAMS301 and CAMS 412) for all programs at the College of Applied Medical Sciences (COAMS).
Deliver all teaching materials related to the research methodology courses.
Provide support to all students for conducting and completing their research projects.
Check with King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC) regarding the new topics of students' research projects.
Review the research proposals prior the submission to KAIMRC to ensure meeting all the requirements of the proposal.
Communicate with KAIMRC regarding the process of ethical approval for students' projects.
Facilitate COAMS students' oral and poster participations at national/international scientific conferences.
Evaluate the research and development activities of COAMS.
Prepare and submit the required documents related to COAMS research activities (e.g.. the annual report) to the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation (QAAA) Unit.
Update the Student Research Board with the recent COAMS students' publications.
Enhance the research culture in COAMS.