We believe that we hold the future in our hands; therefore, we will continue improving our processes and programs to support departments, units, and faculty in accomplishing their teaching, research, and clinical goals. Success can be attained through creating academic experiences where the boundaries are blurred between on and off campus, teachers and learners.
College of Applied Medical Science on both female and male are organized into eight academic departments:
Anesthesia Technology (ANTS) – Available for Male students.
Clinical Laboratory Sciences (CLSP) – Available for Female students.
Clinical Nutrition (CLNP) – Available for Female students.
Echo-Cardiovascular Technology (ECAV) – Available for Female students.
Emergency Medical Services (EMDS) – Available for both Male and Female students.
Occupational Therapy (OCCT) – Available for both Male and Female students.
Radiological Sciences (RADL) – Available for both Male and Female students.
Respiratory Therapy (RESY) – Available for both Male and Female students.
As it is our core mission, the Office of Academic Affairs provides services and leadership to facilitate the advancement and development of all departments. In addition, Academic Affairs aim to provide a comprehensive supporting system for both students and faculty member to maintain a successful learning and teaching experience. We make it our mission to educate and nurture our students in a way that produce the most successful healthcare providers to the community.