Research Unit

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Research Unit at the College of Applied Medical Sciences – Jeddah was established to cater to the needs of eight diverse programs of study on both faculty and student levels. They are all an essential component to assist King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences in achieving its mission and vision which "aims to achieve global leadership in health professions education with commitment to excellence in research, patient care, and community service".

Research Clinic

Organizational Chart


The Research Unit objectives are subsidiary to the university objectives by: Providing exceptional educational experience in relation to research methodology Support students and faculty research activities Conduct research enhancement activities to promote research innovation Promote research grant acquisition for faculty research​


  1. ​Research Lab
The college provides students and faculty access to the E- Learning Room which functions as Research Lab equipped with referencing management and statistical analysis software. The room is located on the 2nd floor of male side in front of the library.

  1. Research Clinic

The Research Unit conducts a Research Clinic to provide support for all, students, and faculty. This clinic assists in literature review, manuscript editing, proposal development, grant application, statistical analysis, and data evaluation. It will be two clinic per day for 30 min (11:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M.) five times/week at the Research Lab or Microsoft Teams. 

Review the submitted proposals

Meet with requester to discuss the issue and provide recommendations

Sc​hedule the next meeting with the requester if needed

Please book your meeting five working days in advance through:

The Research Unit will reply with the clinic confirmation. The below table contains the designated members and their contact information.

Rouzana Khayat
Sunday & Tuesday

11:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M.
​ Proposal development
Grant applica​tion
Editing services
Dalal Tammar
Monday & Thursday

11:00 A.​M. -12:00 P.M.
Waad Al Sulami

Sunday to Wednesday

11:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M.
Statistical Analysis


1. Methodology Course (CAMS 301 & 412)​

2. Curricular & Extracurricular Students Research
Conduct the students research orientation
Review the student's proposals
Request the modification in compliance with KAIMRC and IRB requirements
Follow up with the students to complete the modifications
Create the endorsement letters for the proposal
Send the proposal to KAIMRC
Follow up with KAIRMC for the scientific
Follow up with IRB regarding the IRB approval
Communicate with external entities for data collection requests
Facilitate students' access to BestCare data
Resolve obstacles in the student's projects
Prepare proposal modification requests
Follow up with IRB regarding the modification approval

3. Research Committee
Update the research committee CFO
Schedule the research committee for the academic year
Send out the meeting invitations monthly
Suggest and draft the research committee agenda
Collect the publication data monthly
Prepare the research committ​ee presentation slides
Follow up with members before the meeting to ensure the committee quorum is met
Attend the meeting
Write the committee meeting minutes
Prepare the committee attendance sheet
Send the committee meeting minutes for the deans' approval
Send the approved meeting minutes to the vice president of educational affairs
Perform open tasks in the meeting minutes
Follow up with other responsible people regarding the assigned tasks from the committee
Draft the committee resolutions for approval
Distribute the committee resolutions to the college programs, faculty, and students
Suggest the male and female student representatives for the committee

Staff Contact Information


Dr. Majid Al ThaqafiChairman46163
Dalal TammarResearch Assistant 
Rouzana KhayatResearch Assistant ​

