About Research

​​​​​​Access to Research Dat​​a

 The process for curricular students' projects starts by the submission of the full proposal along with the required supporting documents to the Research Unit. The Research Unit reviews the request and provides an endorsement letter before sending it to KAIMRC for Scientific and IRB approvals. 

Extra-curricular students' projects, Faculty projects, and grant proposals are submitted directly to KAIMRC through the E-Submission system in the below link.​ 

After the IRB approval, the Research Team can reach out to the Research Unit to facilitate their access to Research Data depending on the Research Study as detailed below:

a. BestCare Access

  • The applicant must have an active NGHA account
  • Fill out the BestCare access form provided by Research Unit
  • Send the form along with IRB approved documents to the Research Unit
  • The Research Unit raise the request to ISD
  • The applicant must approve the request through the NGHA email
  • The Research Unit Chairman provides final approval
  • The ISD will notify the applicant of their access activationb. ​

b. ​Massage Centre

The project principle investigator (PI) should send the IRB approval memorandum along with the assessment tools and the email body detailing the study requirements to the Massage Centre on the following email: 
including the University Relations & Media Department (URM) in the CC: 

c. Access to Hospital Departments

The applicant must provide the Research Unit with the IRB approved documents, research team names and badge numbers, and the department information.  The Research Unit will then issue a memorandum through the Dean's office and send it to the designated department.

 d. Access to External institution

The applicant must complete the required documents listed in the below check list before sending it to the Research Unit. The Unit will issue a memorandum through the Dean's office and send the designated institution.

No.Required Documents
1IRB approval Memorandum
2IRB Approved Project
3IRB Approved Consent Form
4IRB Approved Questionnaire
5CVs for all project members
6Copy of the National ID for each Project Member
7Project Title and Research Team Names in Arabic
8The letter recipient name and position
9The institution information​ and accreditation
10The recipient email
11Any other requirements requested by the institution

Faculty Research:

1. Grant Opportunities

  • Distribute research grant opportunities
  • Assist faculty in preparing grant proposals
  • Answer faculty enquires regarding grant applications

2. Faculty Research Enhancement Activities

  • Conduct the new faculty research orientation
  • Conduct the teaching assistance research orientation
  • Distribute research enhancement activities in the university, KAIMRC and NGHA

3. Faculty Research Projects

  • Contribute to faculty research when requested
  • Answer faculty inquiries related to research policies
  • Follow up with KAIMRC regarding faculty requests
  • Follow up with KAIMRC regarding funded faculty research projects enquires
  • Prepare certificates of participation for data collectors on behalf of the faculty

4. University Research Profile

  • Review the faculty research profile
  • Verify the update of the faculty research profile
  • Help resolve technical issues regarding the faculty research profile
  • Create the faculty publication data per program

5. Faculty Research Evaluation for Promotion & Excellence Award

  • Review submitted faculty research for promotion
  • Generate the faculty research evaluation report
  • Review the faculty research for the excellence award
  • Generate the faculty research report for the excellence award
  • Present the faculty application to the college council for approval

1Excellence Allowance Award Guidelines.pdf
2Excellence Awards Application Form.docx
3​​Faculty Revised Promotion Regulations.pdf

University Research Office:

  • Provide the college publication data to the research office
  • Submit the students' requests for funding student's participation in national and international conferences.
  • Comply ​with any request from the research office