Student's Club Activities

Activity Title: منك حياة   Life from You​”
Activity Type:  Social​
Date: Novmber.2016
Activity Description: A campaign that aims at raising awareness to encourage pedestrians donate blood and emphasize the need for blood donators in hospitals. Mobile clinics for blood donation are available at the location of the campaign for two purposes, to save people the legwork of going to the hospitals by themselves, and to facilitate the donation process for donators.
Target Audience: Everyone, women, men, and children.
Location: Corniche, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Activity Title: رئتك حياتك  Your Lung, Your Life/Wellbeing
Activity Type: Cultural
Date: March,2018 
Activity Description: A campaign that aims to raise the awareness of the importance of pulmonary rehabilitation in Saudi Arabia. Also, it aims to let people experience a closer look to lung rehabilitation using simulation programs.
Target Audience: all segments of society 
Location: Outpatient Clinic, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Red sea Mall, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Activity Title: حملة التبرع الأعضاء  Organ Donation Campaign​”
Activity Type: Social
Date: April.2018
Activity Description: This campaign aims at strengthening people’s altruistic values and educating them of the importance of organ donation by handing accredited organ donation cards of Saudi Center Organ Transplantation. Also, it aims at helping renal failure patients of all kinds and correct the religious misconceptions of post-mortem organ donation.
Target: Health workers, families of brain-dead patients, palliative care specialist and all people.
Locations: Outpatient Clinic, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Arab Mall, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Activity Title: الجريمة  The Crime Activity​”
Activity Type: Entertaining Activity
Date: April.2018
Activity Description: An entertaining, educational activity in which students get to solve crimes. This activity aims to stimulate students’ curiosity and educate them more about forensic medicine.
Target Audience: Students
Location: COAMS

Activity Title: زيارة ملجأ أيتام  Orphanage Visit​”
Activity Type:
Date: March 2018
Activity Description: A social activity that aims at supporting orphanages, either morally or financially, and do entertaining workshops for them.
Target Audience: Orphans
Location: Orphanage, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Activity Title:  ​​​​من هو اخصائي الطوارئ  Who is Emergency Specialist?​”
Activity Type: Cultural
Date: March 2018.
Activity Description: A cultural activity that aims to educate high schoolers of the Emergency Medical Services specialty and its importance among other specialties. Due to its novelty, we believe it is important to explain what Emergency Medical Service is, its future goals, and to have as many people interested as we can.
Target Audience: High schoolers.
Location: Different high schools, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Activity Title: عطاء  Ataa​”
Activity Type: cultural
Date:  September. 2018
Activity Description: a cultural activity that aims to encourage people cheer up and spread good energy among each other by various initiatives such as supporting blood platelets donators and cancer fighters verbally.
Target Audience: Women, men, children
Location: King Khalid Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Activity Title:  العربي  Get Rejoiced​”
Activity Type:  Entertaining
Date: September​.2018
Activity Description: A series of entertaining activities that aims to help students relieve stress in several ways, including entertainment and providing verbal support.
Target Audience: All students, faculty members and staff
Location: College of Applied Medical Science, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Activity Title: تنفَّس   Breathe​​”
Activity Type:  Social
Date:  October 2018
Activity Description:  An awareness-raising and educational campaign about sleeping disorders and insomnia for the purpose of correcting the wide-spread misconceptions about it. In addition, this campaign aims to explain various aspects of these diseases, including its definitions, causes, symptoms, etc., and the way it affects breathing and life.
Target Audience: All segments of society 
Location:  Al Yasmin Mall-NGHA, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.​​​​

Activity Title: تعايش  “Coexist”
Activity Type: Cultural
Date: March 2019
Activity Description: In cooperation with the Department of Occupational Therapy in the COAMS, this campaign is to present the role of occupational therapy specialists in all kinds of diseases and conditions. Thus, it gives the attendees the opportunity to experience how patients feel in certain conditions by providing virtual reality glasses, wheelchairs, etc.).
Target Audience: All segments of society 
Location: Al Yasmin Mall, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Activity Title: تصرف   “Carry On
Activity Type: Cultural/Educational
Date: April 2019
Activity Description: An educational awareness campaign for emergency medical services specialists and their active role in the community. This campaign aims to spread awareness among people regarding the proper actions in emergency cases and how to intervene quickly in a proper manner that will preserve lives
Target Audience: All segments of society 
Location: Arab Mal, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Activity Title:  وقت المرح  “Fun Time
Activity Type: Entertaining
Date: March 2019
Activity Description: A series of activities aims to get out of the circle of study and work stress in several different ways, including entertainment and influential words.
Target Audience: All students, academics and administrators
Location: College of Applied Medical sciences, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Activity Title:  تقنية التخدير  Anesthesia
Activity Type: Cultural/Educational
Date:  March 2019
Activity Description: An awareness-raising and educational campaign about the
Anesthesia department and its importance in medicine. This campaign aims to correct the misconceptions and educate the attendees of all types of anesthesia, diagnosis, pre/ after the operation.
Target Audience: All segments of society 
Location: Al Yasmin Mall, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.​​​​​​

Activity Title:   CAMSZania 
Activity Type: Scientific-social activity
Date: October 2020
Activity Description: Lectures presented by specialists and experts in different fields related to each major for the sake of exchanging experiences with other university communities
Target Audience: Students
Location: Virtual- Microsoft Teams

Activity Title:  Helpful Tips 
Activity Type: Cultural
Date: October ​2020
Activity Description: A cultural activity to exchange experiences among students of the fourth and third year in CAMS.
Target Audience: Students
Location: Virtual - Microsoft Teams

Activity Title: CoAMS Campaign (CLNS-CLAB)
Activity type: Cultural
Date: March 2019
Activity Description: A campaign that aims to enrich the community by providing information about Stem Cells and its function in health and modern treatments. In addition, encouraging people to follow a healthy life style and correcting the misconceptions about the over/loss weight and its health and psychological effects.
Target Audience: all segments of society 
Location: Alyasmin Mall, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Activity Title: فنار  Fanar 
Activity Type: : Scientific-social activity
Date: March 2021
Activity Description This activity aims at educating people by publishing, each week, different topics in all kinds of areas that are educating, entertaining and helping build writing skills.
Target Audience: all staff and students
Location: Platform Twitter

Activity Title:  COAMS Game Night
Activity Type: Entrainment
Date: March 2021
Activity Description:  An entertaining activity that is for all staff and students. This activity is a based on a real-life escape room yet virtually, however students get to live the experience of solving puzzles within a specific time limit.
Target Audience: Students
Location: Platform: Microsoft Teams

Activity Title: Hajj Seasons Volunteering
Activity Type: Social
Date: March 2021
Activity Description:  A cultural activity in which it aims at encouraging volunteering. Volunteers, who are students, were hosted to talk about their experience in Red Crescent, SMAV and Ministry of Health and to explain the difference in all voluntary associations.
Target Audience: All students and staff
Location: Platform: Microsoft Teams

Activity Title:  International Childhood Cancer Day
Activity type: Cultural
Date: February​2021
Activity Description:  A scientific activity to educate people about childhood cancer by disseminating information and statistics on the Student Club’s Twitter account.
Target Audience: all segments of society 
Location: Platform Twitter

Activity Title:  Best Picture Contest
 Activity type: Entertaining
Date: February 2021
Activity Description: An entertaining activity in which contestants are asked to take pictures following a certain theme, and then the pictures get evaluated based on specific standards.
Target Audience: all students.
Location: Platform:  Twitter 

Activity Title:  Mental Health: Reality or Illusion?
Activity Type: Cultural/Educational
Date: March 3, 2021
Activity Description:  This activity aims to spread knowledge regarding mental health and correct the misconceptions people have by hosting a talk with Dr. Rami Ahmed, a consultant psychiatric in King Khalid Hospital, National Guard.
Target Audience: All students
Location: Platform: Zoom

Activity Title: مجتمع واعي​  Aware Society ​
Activity Type: Social /Educational
Date: Feb 25-26
Activity Description:  This activity aims to raise awareness about healthy balanced nutritious food and the importance of physical exercises to maintain a good health and reduce the risk of diabetes, anemia, obesity and other diseases. The activity also aims to provides nutritional consultations for individuals with heart diseases and cancer.
Target Audience: School students - all age groups of society
Location: Outpatients' clinics – NGHA – Jeddah

Activity Title: ترويح  Recreation
Activity Type: Entertaining
Date: April 18, 2019
1-20 November 2018
Activity Description:  This activity aims to create series of fun activities for all students, faculty and administrative staff to spread joy and release stress and reduce work pressure in different ways including entertaining games and influential words.
Target Audience: students, staff, faculty
Location: Outpatients' clinics – NGHA – Jeddah
AL Yasmeen Mall

Activity Title: فُلك ؟  Ark​?”
Activity Type: Social Activity
Date: 19-26 October 2020
Activity Description: A social activity that aims to strengthen COAMS community’s bond by hosting talks that consist of guests of various areas. Topics are set prior to the talk in which guests prepare and have the time to answer questions.
Target Audience: Everyone
Location: Virtual – Microsoft Teams

Activity Title: المتحف القديم  Ancient Museum​”
Activity Type: Cultural/Educational
Date: 10-9 November 2020
Activity Description: A Cultural/educational activity that aims to educate students about various, interesting topics.
Target Audience: All staff and students
Location: Twitter.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Activity Title: CoAMS-J Community
Activity Type: Magazine
Date: Every month
Activity Description: Updating CoAMS Magazine and a bulletin board to share the college news.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: College of Applied Medical Science  


Activity Title: تطور
Activity Type: workshop
Date: Week 7- Week 8
Activity Description: Providing students with workshops in various scientific and recreational fields.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: College of Applied Medical Science 

Activity Title:  يوم تخصصي 
Activity Type: workshop
Date: Throughout the semester
Activity Description: Gathering third and fourth-year students and faculty of the same specialization to exchange knowledge and experiences.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: College of Applied Medical Science  

Activity Title: أعرفني أكثر 
Activity Type: Discussion sessions
Date: Week 6
Activity Description: Holding discussion sessions among students to exchange opinions on various life matters and raise their awareness through healthy discussion methods.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: College of Applied Medical Science  

Activity Title: CAMS winter
Activity Type: Gathering
Date:  Week 8
Activity Description: Gathering college's students for entertainment activities related to the winter season.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: College of Applied Medical Science  

Activity Title: CoAMS Day
Activity Type: Exhibition
Date: 19 / 9 / 2022
Activity Description: Familiarizing students with the various specializations offered by the College of Applied Medical Sciences, assisting students in selecting the path that aligns with their individual requirements, providing clarity on the job responsibilities of healthcare staff, highlighting potential career prospects, and introducing options for future graduate studies.
Target Audience: PRE-AMS students.
Location: Deanship of Postgraduate, second floor

Activity Title: FRIENDS
Activity Type: Gathering
Date: 11/10/2022 – 13/10/2022
Activity Description: An activity in which students experience an open day full of fun activities and games.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: College of Applied Medical Science  

Activity Title: KSAU Astronomer
Activity Type: Exhibition
Date: 2/11/2022- 3/11/2022
Activity Description: A unique experience combining astronomy and healthcare.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: Deanship of Postgraduate, second floor

Activity Title: How to prepare for BLS
Activity Type: Workshop
Date: 11/12/2022- 15/12/2022
Activity Description: An educational course designed to prepare students to obtain a license in basic life support.
Target Audience: Students 
Location: College of Applied Medical Science  

Activity Title: Students in Business
Activity Type: Workshop
Date: 12/01/2023
Activity Description: Educating students on managing money and creating secondary sources of income, while supporting entrepreneurs.
Target Audience: Students 
Location: College of Applied Medical Science  

Activity Title: Ancient Era
Activity Type: Exhibition
Date: 13/02/2023
Activity Description: Showcasing the evolution of healthcare in different ancient civilizations throughout history.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: College of Applied Medical Science  

Activity Title: CoAMS Day
Activity Type: Exhibition
Date: 13 / 9 / 2023
Activity Description: Familiarizing students with the various specializations offered by the College of Applied Medical Sciences, assisting students in selecting the path that aligns with their individual requirements, providing clarity on the job responsibilities of healthcare staff, highlighting potential career prospects, and introducing options for future graduate studies.
Target Audience: PRE-AMS students and High school students.
Location: Deanship of Postgraduate, second floor

Activity Title: Identities and Creativity
Activity Type: Workshop
Date: 3/10/2023
Activity Description: Displaying the culinary skills and cultural diversity of students through a variety of dishes from around the world.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: Deanship of Postgraduate, auditorium 1 

Activity Title: Podcast CoAMS-J
Activity Type: Podcast
Date: 10/10/2023
Activity Description: Introducing the specializations of the College of Applied Medical Sciences and students' experiences during their academic journey, in addition to urging students to pursue entrepreneurship by conveying the experiences of student entrepreneurs and hosting pioneers in the field of investment to educate students about the importance of investment and saving.
Target Audience: Students
Location: College of Applied Medical Science  - X platform.

Activity Title: Psychology of Colors 1
Activity Type: Lecture
Date: 25/10/2023
Activity Description: Discovering the fascinating world of color by isolating each hue, viewing them from a new perspective, and learning about their scientific properties.
Target Audience:  Students and staff
Location: Virtual – Microsoft Teams

Activity Title: Environmental Sustainability
Activity Type: Exhibition – Workshop.
Date: 27-28/12/2023
Activity Description: Visitors can enter an exciting world of plants in line with the "Saudi Green Initiative." This activity aims to increase visitors' awareness of the dangers of global warming and the importance of preserving plants and recycling processes. Additionally, visitors can learn about cultivation methods and how to care for houseplants.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: Deanship of Postgraduate, ground floor

Activity Title: Psychology of Colors 2
Activity Type: Exhibition – Workshop 
Date: 2-3/01/2024
Activity Description: Discovering the fascinating world of color by isolating each hue, viewing them from a new perspective, and learning about their scientific properties.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: Deanship of Postgraduate, second floor

Activity Title:  ملهمون
Activity Type: Lecture - Podcast
Date:      2024/01/16
Activity Description: Providing a conducive environment for exchanging creative ideas while giving students a platform to present their experiences and expertise thus inspires participants to showcase their best abilities.
Target Audience:  Students and staff
Location: College of Medicine, auditorium 1 

Activity Title: CoAMS-J Sports Forum
Activity Type: Padel Championship(Male)- Yoga training session (Female)
Date: 03/02/2024 - 04/02/2024
Activity Description: Raising awareness about the importance of sports and creating a fun environment for students and staff to participate in sports and activities.
Target Audience: :  Students and staff
Location: PM sports center - College of Applied Medical Sciences

Activity Title: Maintain your Psychological Health
Activity Type: Lecture 
Date: 21/03/2024
Activity Description: Educating students about the importance of maintaining their mental health during their academic journey and clarifying the most prominent psychological disorders that may occur as a result of stress and pressure.
Target Audience: All students
Location: Virtual – Microsoft Teams

Activity Title: فوازير رمضانية
Activity Type: Competitions
Date: 24/03/2024 - 31/03/2024
Activity Description: During the month of Ramadan, students can participate in a religious competition by answering a series of appropriate questions. This activity encourages them to use their time wisely and productively.
Target Audience: All students
Location: X platform

Activity Title: Did You Know
Activity Type: A series of tweets
Date: 05/04/2024
Activity Description: Providing students with information on daily life skills and methods of proper behavior in emergency situations.
Target Audience: Students and staff
Location: X platform

Activity Title:  كن رائد أعمال
Activity Type: Lecture
Date: 15/04/2024
Activity Description: Transferring successful experiences in the field of entrepreneurship and informing students about possible entrepreneurship opportunities.
Target Audience: All students
Location: X platform
