Cultural Team:
Its mission is to contribute to the supervision of the program ARSHEDNY (Guide me), and organize lectures, exhibitions, cultural competitions, and development courses in various fields of personal skills improvement which will contribute to achieve the university's role in building an integrated scientific and behavioral person in order to be able to blend successfully in the practical field.
Social Team:
Its mission is to organize the student participations in the health awareness campaigns in the society to help achieve the goals of the university that related to the development of the community health education. Also, organize the participation in Global Health and Awareness Days, so the students and the community will be more familiar and educated in these activities.
Sport Team:
Its mission is to organize sport entertainment competitions for all university students in all stages and colleges, as well as to contribute to the supervision of the university participation in the competition of Saudi Universities Sports Federation.
Media Team:
Its mission is to cover all programs and activities hosted by the Student’s Club and publish them in media.