Community & Students Activities

Blood donation drive - منك حياة​

Raise the awareness of the community of the importance of Blood donation and remind of the Islamic deeds for the donation. ​


Diabetes Day​

Raise awareness of Diabetes Disease and how to avoid its complications and the treatments. ​


Diabetes Day

Raise awareness of Diabetes Disease and how to avoid its complications and the treatments.​​


Support the activities in the hospital to raise the awareness of the patients such as the international Day of Cancer, Aids, and breast cancer… etc.

Organ Donation

Enlighten the society of the value of Organ donations in saving others’ lives.
Discuss and correct the misunderstood concepts of the organ donation after death and explain how Islamic culture support the organ donation.

CLAB Poster Day

Encourage students and prepare them with skills to present and discuss their researches posters on the conferences and Scientific research events

COAMS Day  (College of Applied Medical Sciences)

Improve the understanding of the community to the specialties of the Applied Medical Sciences and their importance to support the quality of the medical service.
Encourage the cooperation and competition among students from different specialties.

International Lab Day​

Provide a better understanding to the role of Lab technologists in conducting medical researches.​​​​​​


Lectures and workshops to educate and support students’ knowledge and future carrier 

Nassaq Campaign

Raise the awareness of the community of the Stem Cells’ medical applications, and how important it is to register and be listed as a donor.
Provide and explanation of the donations procedures that are performed by Lab Technologists.
Provide a better explanation and consideration of the supportive Islamic ethical and morals of the Stem Cell donation.
Reflect on the importance of Lab technologist in examining and matching the donor samples to the recipients.
To record the highest donor and visitor number to the Saudi Stem Cell Log, in cooperation with KAIMARC

COAMS  (College of Applied Medical Sciences) Day 1&2​

Improve the understanding of the community to the specialties of the Applied Medical Sciences and their importance to support the quality of the medical service.
Introduce the high school students and the pre-Profession Program students (1st and 2nd year) to careers of COAMS
Create a good environment between New students and profession students (3rd and 4th year).

Scientific Seminars:

  • Wise strategies to improve laboratory testing utilization  29th  Jan 2019 
  • The progress in CART cell Therapy for Acute lymphoblastic leukemia  7th Apr 2019
  • Emerging Infectious Diseases and Where we go from here.  26th Mar 2019
  • The Science of Pipetting; it isn't just a thumb press  29th  Oct 2019
  • Blood Bag at Blood Bank  26th Nov 2019 ​​​​​​​​


Virtual Internship orientation for clinical laboratory science students. ​

Scientific Seminars:​

  • Development and Optimization of a Homemade ELISA  25th Feb 2020
  • ACE2 Expression and vulnerability to COVID-19.  6th Apr 2020 ​​​​

Breast cancer awareness day

This activity was implemented by a group of students under the supervision of faculty members from the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program for the community to Increase awareness and knowledge on cancer. This activity was conducted on October 21.21.

International diabetes day

 This activity was implemented by a group of students under the supervision of faculty members from the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program for the community to Increase awareness on Diabetes and its types. This activity was conducted on November 25.2021.

Blood Donation Campaign

This campaign was a collaboration by faculty members and students from both colleges Applied Medical sciences (C-LAB) and Medicine (COM) to enhance the knowledge of the community about the significance of blood donation with emphases on the impact of saving lives. This campaign was conducted from 22-23 May 2022.

How to use Mendeley reference manager: A step-by-step guide

This activity was implemented by a faculty member from the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program for all COAMS-J staff and students to provide a step-by-step guideline on the use of Mendeley reference manager software. This activity was conducted on March 8th .2022.


سنبلة - Clinical Laboratory Day

This activity was implemented by a group of students under the supervision of faculty members from the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program for the community to promote public awareness of the role of different medical Laboratories as it relates to health care and researches. This activity was conducted from 25-26 May 2023.

International Diabetes Day 2023

This activity was implemented by a group of students under the supervision of faculty members from the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program for the community to Increase awareness on Diabetes and its types. This activity was conducted on November 23.2022.

قطرة -World's Blood Donor Day 

This activity was implemented by a group of students under the supervision of faculty members from the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program to raise awareness of the voluntary blood donation importance, promote oluntary donation in the community and to recognize voluntary blood donors. This campaign was conducted from 25-26 May 2023.​


World Diabetes Day 2023

World Diabetes Day 2023 is a global awareness campaign that aims to raise understanding about diabetes, advocate for improved diabetes care and prevention, and support those affected by the condition. This day serves as a rallying point for the worldwide diabetes community, including healthcare professionals, organizations, and individuals, to address the growing diabetes epidemic.

World Laboratory Day (مجهر المستقبل) 2024

The World ​Laboratory Day is an opportunity to promote public awareness of the role of the current different clinical laboratories and the future researches’ contributions made by the profession to promote the health and life quality of human beings. 

World Blood Donor Day (2 قطرة )  2024

 This event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.

CLSP Scientific Seminars (conducted all year long)​

These seminars aim improve our students' research understanding, science communication and presentation skills​
