Abstracts and Posters: Alzahrani Matar, Milton S, Al Sanad M. Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Preferred Learning Styles among Undergraduate Anaesthesia Technology Students in a University in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia, July 2020.
Alsanad M, Bradbury A, Alzahrani M. A Cross-Sectional Survey Exploring the Perceptions of Anaesthesia Technology Students of the Concept and Process of Problem Based Learning in a University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2020.
Alzahrani Matar, Manjush K, Farhan Al Enezi, Kavita M.S, Al Sanad M. Comparative Study on Various Methods of Liberating/ Weaning Patients from Mechanical Ventilation. Saudi Critical Care Society, 2014.
Alzahrani M, Alsanad M, Manjush K, Alenezi F, Kavita M. Assessment of Etiological Factors of Reintubation in Adult Intensive Care Unit, Riyadh, 2014.
Alzahrani M, Alsanad M, Alobaidi N, Alenezi F, Manjush K. ECMO in ARDS- A Case Study, 2014.