
Program Learning​​ Outcomes​

​K​​​​now​ledge and Understand​ing 
K​1Explain and communicate leadership theories/models and their uses in health system and healthcare organizations.
Describe leadership styles, skills, values and ethics in the context of in health system and healthcare organizations.
K3Explain the leading and managing frameworks and models and illustrate its application in different health and academic contexts.​
S1Apply the appropriate leadership styles, skills, values and ethics in the health system context to enhance their professional and organizational performance and evaluation
S2Use critical thinking skills, advanced technology and ICT tools to enhance leading and managing in different health care systems.
Use evidence-based approach and best research practices to lead by analyzing multiple sources of information in health organizations.
S4Utilize proper tools and techniques to lead and manage change in in the health system context and its organizations using effective communication.
S5Develop a long-life leadership development plan to be adopted for continuous leadership growth, improvement and lifelong learning.
Values ​ ​
V1Demonstrate effective teamwork, and communication skills in leading people and managing change in health system context.
V2Apply personal, professional and organizational ethics, values and professionalism during leading people and managing change, while demonstrating the highest standards of academic integrity.​