In collaboration with The University of Illinois (UIC) , Chicago, USA , King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences offers the most innovative and comprehensive Master of Health Informatics in the country. The establishment of a Master of Health Informatics program within the College of Public Health and Health Informatics, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, aims to produce skilled graduates possessing professional, technical and health information management skills. It is expected that the graduates of this program will perform important functions in different informatics fields; especially health-related informatics, as well as working in public and private health-care systems. Graduates of this program are expected to excel in various work assignments that include administrative, planning, and implementation while being capable of perfectly providing solutions to overcome all obstacles associated with the design and implementation of health information and administrative systems. Our advanced degree program can prepare you to make an immediate impact within your organization and play a vital role in the evolution of the healthcare industry as a whole.
With our 47 credit hours (44 credit hours for Courses +3 Credit hours for Research Project), the program offers three tracks, which are: Informatics, Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) . The tracks are developed to enable each student to design an in-depth study of Health Informatics taking into account student’s previous academic background and experience.
Degree obtained from an accredited university in medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, radiography, laboratories, medical engineering, and management of health information, and information technology.
Level One
No | Course Code | Course Name | CH | Pre |
1 | HINF 502 | Research Methods and Information Sources in Biomedical & Health Information Sciences | 3 | – |
2 | HINF 503 | Communication Skills in Health Informatics | 3 | – |
3 | HINF 506 | Fundamental of Health Information Management | 2 | – |
4 | HINF 505 | Health Care Information Systems | 4 | – |
Total 12 | | | | |
Level Two
No | Course Code | Course Name | CH | Pre |
1 | HINF 511 | Health Care Data | 3 | – |
2 | HINF 512 | Application of Health Care Information Systems | 2 | HINF 505 |
3 | HINF 504 | Ethics and Legal Issues in Health Informatics | 3 | – |
4 | HINF 513 | Management of Health Care Communication Systems | 4 | HINF 505 |
Total 12 | | | | |
Level Three
No | Course Code | Course Name | CH | Pre |
1 | HINF 611 | Health Care I.T. Vendor Management | 3 | HINF 505 |
| HINF 612 | Health Information Systems Analysis and Design | 4 | HINF 505 |
3 | Informatics Track | HINF 621 Theoretical Concepts of Clinical Decision Support Systems | 3 | HINF 511- HINF 501- HINF 503 and Grade B or higher in HINF 505 |
| | HINF 622 Health Informatics Business Intelligence Tools and Application | 3 | Grade B or higher in HINF 505 and Grade B or higher in HINF 511 |
| IS Track (1) | HINF 631 Patient Safety Topics in Health Informatics | 3 | HINF 505 and HINF 512 |
| | HINF 632 Consumer Health Informatics | 3 | HINF 505 |
| IS Track (2) | HINF 633 Health Care Information Security | 3 | HINF 505 and HINF 511 |
| | HINF 634 Transforming Healthcare using Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics | 3 | Grade B or higher in HINF 505 and Grade B or higher in HINF 511 |
| IT Track | HINF 641 Informatics for the Clinical Investigator | 3 | – |
| | HINF 642 Knowledge Management in Healthcare Organizations | 3 | Grade B or higher in HINF 505 |
Total 13 | | | | |
Level Four
No | Course Code | Course Name | CH | Pre |
1 | HINF 613 | Social and Organizational Issues in Health Informatics | 4 | HINF 505 and HINF 513 |
2 | Informatics Track | HINF 623 Practical Implementation of Clinical Decision Support Systems | 3 | HINF 511-HINF 501- HINF 503, HINF 621and Grade B or higher in HINF 505 |
| IS Track (1) | HINF 635 Mobile Health Informatics | 3 | HINF 505, HINF 513 and Grade B or higher in HINF 511 |
| IS Track (2) | HINF 636 Health Care Project Management | 3 | HINF 505, HINF 511 and HINF 612 |
| IT Track | HINF 643 Health Care I.T. Administration | 3 | HINF 505-HINF 512, and HINF 611 |
3 | HINF 650 | Health Informatics Research Project | 3 | – |
Total 10 | | | | |
Total credit Hours for Program 47 | | | | |
Courses Catalog
HINF 502 Research Methods and Information Sources in Biomedical & Health Information Sciences:
Provides students the opportunity to establish and advance their understandings of research methods in health informatics. The course is designed to provide the students with the introduction to the research process, research ethics. As well as research approaches.
HINF 503 Communication Skills in Health Informatics:
An application course in which students assess and practice effective written and oral methods of communication skills necessary for health informatics professionals.
HINF 504 Ethics and Legal Issues in Health Informatics:
Understanding the theories that make the foundations of current professional health ethics. Exploring the applied ethics of health informatics and how to deal with ethical issues through different scenarios.
HINF 506 Fundamental of Health Information Management:
Provides an overview of health services system and health information management. Furthermore, the principles of medical terminology to help the student develop the extensive medical vocabulary used in health care occupations.
HINF 505 Health Care Information Systems:
Examination, through case studies, group and class discussions, and problem-based learning, of the effective utilization of information technology applications currently in place and on the horizon in health care organizations
HINF 511 Health Care Data:
This course takes students through the data Lifecycle journey where they explore different data sources in healthcare, the different data types and their special characteristics, and the design of data storages in healthcare systems. This course also exposes students to multiple topics related to data analysis and transforming data and information into knowledge.
HINF 512 Application of Health Care Information Systems:
Knowledge and experience with a variety of healthcare applications utilizing current information technology and systems implemented in healthcare provider organizations. Prerequisite(s): HINF 505.
HINF 513 Management of Health Care Communication Systems:
Examination and management of data communications in and between health care facilities including examination of issues, standards, technologies, and system configurations. Prerequisite(s): HINF 505.
HINF 612 Health Information Systems Analysis and Design:
This course provides students with a firm understanding of the Systems development life cycle and equips them with tools and techniques that help them to plan, analyze, and design systems in healthcare. Prerequisite(s): HINF 505.
HINF 611 Health Care I.T. Vendor Management:
Examines the environment and activities necessary to plan, select, contract, and implement systems from suppliers in the healthcare I.T. industry. Prerequisite(s): HINF 505.
HINF 621 Theoretical Concepts of Clinical Decision Support Systems:
An examination of foundational concepts of clinical decision support systems, an area that utilizes both biomedical and computer sciences to enhance effectiveness of the clinical decision making process.
HINF 622 Health Informatics Business Intelligence Tools and Application:
Provide students with core business intelligence concepts and fundamentals, applying them to create best practices through informed decision making.
HINF 631 Patient Safety Topics in Health Informatics:
3 hours. The application of health informatics knowledge to the issue of patient safety.
HINF 632 Consumer Health Informatics:
Examines the developing area of consumer health informatics from both theoretical and practical knowledge management perspectives through class discussions.
HINF 633 Health Care Information Security:
Health information security and methods to achieve it; stresses risk assessment and pre-emptive action; outlines important role of security policies and procedures; surveys security technology with focus on non-technical security approaches.
HINF 634 Transforming Healthcare using Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics:
An examination, through readings and class discussion, of various health data and information technologies and capabilities required by healthcare organizations as they undergo the major transformations needed to support emerging care models.
HINF 641 Informatics for the Clinical Investigator:
This course provides the foundation of requisite knowledge of computer and healthcare information sciences for the clinical investigator.
HINF 642 Knowledge Management in Healthcare Organizations:
An examination, through readings, case studies, research publications, and discussion, of the current issues, concepts, and technologies of Knowledge Management in Healthcare Organizations.
HINF 613 Social and Organizational Issues in Health Informatics:
Examines the impact of information systems on the health care organization and applies theory through case study analysis.
HINF 623 Practical Implementation of Clinical Decision Support Systems:
A practical application of CDSS concepts in which students plan, design, and implement course CDSS projects intended for patient care settings.
HINF 635 Mobile Health Informatics:
Examines the field of mobile health informatics from theoretical and applied information technology and management perspectives.
HINF 636 Health Care Project Management:
Introduces health industry workers to specific health care project management and methods that achieve outcomes in the health care organization; stresses project life-cycle as the primary approach; uses project management book of knowledge.
HINF 643 Health Care I.T. Administration:
Examines organizational and management issues in healthcare I.T.
HINF 650 Health Informatics Research Project:
The main purpose of the graduation project is to provide students with an opportunity to independently conduct original research project in one area of health informatics directed by a faculty member.