Infection Control
Standard Precautions represent minimum infection prevention measures that apply to all patient care:
Hand hygiene
Use of personal protective equipment
Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
Safe injection practices
Safe handling of potentially contaminated equipment or surfaces.
- All drawers with needles should be locked at the end of a lab session and containers, bags or equipment with needles should also be secured.
- Needles provided for practice of injection should be used in the lab only when the teaching assistants or faculty are present for assistance. Students must demonstrate safety precautions while utilizing needles during practice as instructed in class.
- Needles should never be recapped after use. Used needles are to be disposed in the Sharps containers provided throughout the lab space.
- Needles and other sharp objects must not be discarded in the trash or left out openly in the lab at any time.
- Sharps containers must only be filled to 3/4 level or to the manufacturer’s and do not try to press sharps down to make more room.
- Do not place anything sharp inside a yellow hazardous waste bag as it may cause injury.
- Do not bend/break needles before discarding them
- Injection practice will only occur on the manikins or practice injection pads provided in the lab.
Laboratory Safety:
We all have the accountability to maintain a constant concern for safety in the laboratory. Good personal habits, housekeeping practices, and laboratory technique can all help ensure that the laboratory is a safe place to learn and work.
Laboratory Booking:
The Nursing Skill/Simulation Laboratories are located on the ground floor of the College of Nursing, open Sunday to Thursday from 8:00A.M. to 5:00P.M. for scheduled skills, simulation sessions and other student support sessions.
Booking for tutorial sessions should be done using the Online Help Request System at least 3 days prior to the scheduled session.
Click Here
Contact Us:
For more information, please reach out:
Phone: (01142) Ext. 99439- 99454-99803