This course consists of two modules and a project. The two modules and the project are described in detail in the following subsections.
Introduction To Computer Science:
This module is composed of 6 weeks of the term and is covered several fundamental Computer Science topics and emerging topics. In this module, students will be introduced to the main concepts of computer science such as Algorithms, Programming Languages, Computer Networks, the Internet and the Web, Data Representation and Databases, and emerging topics such as Internet of Things, Big Data, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence & machine learning as illustrated in the block detailed learning objectives. Even though these topics are core topics in Computer Science, we are aware that our students are non-CS major. Therefore, there is no intention to go deep in these topics and students will be introduced only to the basics.
Health Informatics: The second module is composed of 4 weeks of the term, and it will be devoted to Health Informatics topics. This module should be of high interest to students since the natures of topics are health related. The topics would shed a lot of light on the technologies used in Health Sector and how they can be acquired, implemented, and managed. Students also will be introduced to topics that will make them aware about health records, records management, Security Issues in Health Care Information Systems and much more.
Data Analytical Project: Students will be given a project by the end of week 6 of the term and will be given two weeks to complete it. In the project, students will learn how to use the excel tools to analyze and visualize data. Students will first practice how to explore data, analyze it, and visualize it using excel functionality and capabilities. By the end of the project, students should develop analytical and visualization skills in excel. The project will be a medical oriented one and details will be agreed between course coordinators. Students will be evaluated based on meeting the requirements of the project that will be explained to the students before they begin.
They include the following: 1) Applying the correct concepts as discussed in lectures. 2) Building-up the project in a form of small pieces and linking all of the pieces together. 3) Ensuring the project delivers the required results. 4) Submitting complete Project report. 5) Teamwork.