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          • ​PhD in Nursing Science (Clinical Research, management of chronic illness)
            Yale School of Nursing, Yale University, USA. Human Response to Chronic Illness

            ​Master​’s degree in nursing. School of Nursing, University of Michigan, USA 
            Health Services Sy​​stem Administration and Patients Care Management

            ​Bachelor of Nursing Science. College of Nursing, King Saud University, KSA
            (With elective studies in Sociology, Art, Statistics, Demographic and French Language)​

      • Major Int​​erests/ Working Fields

​​​PhD in Nursing Science (Clinical Research, management of chronic illness)

​Yale School of Nursing, Yale University, USA. Human Response to Chronic Illness

​Master’s degree in nursing. School of Nursing, University of Michigan, USA 

Hea​lth Services System Administration and Patients Care Management

​Bachelor of Nursing Science. College of Nursing, King Saud University, KSA

(With elective studies in Sociology, Art, Statistics, Demographic and French Language)​

Recent research activities/ publications

Hala Saied, Bothyna Z Murshid. An exploration of practice preceptors’ perceptions of rewards, benefits, support, and commitment to their role in a Saudi nursing context. International Journal of Advance Research in Nursing. Volume 4; Issue 1; Jan-June 2021; Page No. 234-239​ 


Bothyna Zakaria Murshid. Assessment of Competencies’ Level of Critical and Intensive Care Unites Nurses at King Abdulaziz Medical City and King Abdullah Specialized Children Hospital. American Journal of Nursing Science. Vol. 10, No. 1, 2021, pp. 28-35. doi: 10.11648/j.ajns.20211001.16 

Bothyna Zakaria Murshid. Educational Intervention on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Breast Cancer Self Examination. American Journal of Nursing Science. Vol. 8, No. 4, 2019, pp. 181-190. doi: 10.11648/j.ajns.20190804.20​

​Murshid, B.Z. Role of a Preceptor in Achieving Learning Outcomes: Nursing Intern Perspective. Int J Edu Sci, 28(1-3): 29-34 (2020). DOI: 10.31901/24566322.2020/28.1-3.1114​

​Bayoumi MM, Murshid B, Sayed S, Mosa A (2018) Nurses Perception toward Using a New Eight Vital Signs Chart at ICUs. J Nurs Care. 7: 445. doi:10.4172/2167-1168.1000445 ​

Hend M. Elazazy, Faiza A. Abou-El-Soud, Bothyna Z. Murshid. Application of Transtheoretical Model of Change on Foot Care Management among Diabetic Patients: Prevention Better than Cure. (2018). Vol.48, 2018. Pp. 90-102


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