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                • PhD, MSN, RN, Medical Surgical Nursing ​


Major Interests/ Working Fields

Nursing Education 
Women​ Cardiac Health 
​​Students’ Re​search 


Recent research activities/ publications

  • Moham​​​ed,​ HF., Abd El-Hay, SA. (2019). From Theory to Practice: Application of Self-Regulation Model for the Manageme​nt of Fatigue among Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy.  Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 63, 81-91.​


    Mohamed, HF and Bahgat, ZF (2019). The Effect of an Educational Intervention on Dumping Syndrome and Anxiety Level among Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery. Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 8(3)12-20. 

    Mohamed, HF., Al Enzi, EB, Asfoor, AF., and Hlefe, AF. (2019). The Effect of Educational Session of Coping Strategies on the Quality of Life among Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients.  International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing, 6 (2), 648-655. Month: May - August 2019, Available at:

    ​​Mohamed, HF., Abd El-Hay, SA. and Sharshor, SM. (2019). Self- Care Knowledge and Practice for Patients with Permanent Stoma and their Effect on Their Quality of Life and Self Care Efficacy.  Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 60, 131-138.

    Azazey, HM., Mohamed, HF., Alzahrani, S., Alhozaimi, G., Alotaibi, K., and Tohary, S. (2019). Knowledge and Attitude towards Palliative Care among Nurses at King Fahd Hospital. International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing, 6(2), 637-647.​

    Mohamed, HF and Gonzales, SG. (2019). Objective Structured Clinical Examination as a Clinical Assessment Method: Nursing Students’ Attitude and Evaluation of the Experience from Different Academic Levels. International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research, 5(4), 1-7. ​​


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