- PhD, Medical surgical Nursing
Major Interests/ Working Fields
Health assessment
Critical care nursing
Nursing care of adult I
Nursing care of adult II
Fundamentals of nursing
Nursing research
Recent research activities/ publications
Abou-El-Soud F A, Miligi E, Salem SS, Al Ghadeer H. The Relationship Between Nursing Students` Perceptions Toward Success and Failure Factors and their Academic Performance: A Descriptive Correlational Study' is accepted for publication in Vol. 165, Issue. 6 of SYLWAN journal (ISSN: 0039-7660). | |

Salem SS, Jradi H, Selim A. Needle stick and Sharps Injuries among Nurses: The Role of Occupational and Psychosocial Risk Factors. SYLWAN., 165(4)]. ISI Indexed, Apr 2021. Accepted for publication in Vol. 165, Issue. 4 of SYLWAN journal (ISSN: 0039-7660).
Salem SS, Al Ghadeer H, Albattah F, Alanazi W, Alanazi H & Youssef N. Awareness of Preventive Measures of Cardiovascular Diseases and Heart Attack Warning Symptoms: Gender-based Differences. Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal Article 4, Volume 9, Issue 25.0, Spring 2021, Page 37-44.
Salem SS, Cabaldo L C. The Effect of Moderate-Fidelity Mannequin VS Peer Simulated Patient on Nursing Students Experience and Level of Competency. Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal http://asnj.journals.ekb.eg http://www.arabimpactfactor.com . Vol , (9) No, (25), June, 2021, pp (98 - 106).