PhD in Nursing, Nursing administration- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2016 |

Certified Item Author (CIA), Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, 2019 |

| Organizational Development Certificate Program (ODCP), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2016 |

| Master of Science in Nursing, Kramer School of Nursing, Oklahoma City University, May, 2012 |
| Master of Medical Education, College of Medicine, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS), (expected graduation 2019). |

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, School of Nursing, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, December, 2007.
- Major Interests/ Working Fields
Recent research activities/ publications

Alshutwi, S., Alsharif, F., Shibily, F., Almutairi W.M. , Almotairy, M. M and Algabbash, M.(2022). Maintaining Clinical Training Continuity during COVID-19 Pandemic: Nursing Students' Perceptions about Simulation-Based Learning. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 19, 2180.

Alshutwi, S., Miligi, E., Alhumidan, L., & Almutairi, A. F. (2021). The influence of the disclosure of diabetes on the cognitive, physical ability and diabetes self- management in diabetic employed adults in Saudi Arabia. Nursing Open, 00, 1– 8.

Alshutwi, S. (2021). The Buffering Effect of Supervisor Support on the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Turnover Intention among Female Nurses in Saudi Arabia. International journal of innovative Research in medical science, 6(6).

Sitah Alshutwi. (2020).
Senior Nursing Students and Interns’ Concerns and Willingness to Treat Patients with COVID-19; A Strategy to Expand National Nursing Workforce During COVID-19 Pandemic ( in press) |

Eman Miligi & Sitah Alshutwi. ( 2019) The impact of Work stress on turnover intentions among palliative care nurses in Saudi Arabi. International Journal of Nursing. DOI: 10.15640/ijn.v6n2a8. ISSN 2373-7662 |

Sitah Alshutwi.
Haya Alkhanfari, Norah Sweedan (2019). The influence of Time Management Skills on Stress and Acedemic Performance levels Among Nursing. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice(10),1 DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v10n1p96

Sitah Alshutwi. (2017).
Workplace Support and Turnover Intention: A Preliminary Conceptual Framework to Inform Practice and Research.
Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 3(1).
Sitah Alshutwi. (2017). The Influence of Supervisor Support on Nurses' Turnover Intention. Health Systems and Policy Research, ISSN 2254-9137. DOI: 10.21767/2254-9137.100075
Sitah Alshutwi, & Adel F Almutairi.
(2016). Work-Family Conflict and the Role of Family Supervisor Support as a Promising Approach to Retain Qualified Nurses. Nursing and Care, 5. (1).