Major Interests/ Working Fields
Nursing leadership and administration
Emotional intelligence
Leadership Behaviors
Burnout / Occupational fatigue
Nursing education
Recent research activities/ publications
| Aldhafeeri,N1 , Almatrouk, R2 .(2019). Shaping the future of Nursing practice by reducing medication errors. Pennsylvania Nurse, 74(1). 14-19.
| Habib,F1 ., Assiri,Z2 ., Alenizi,E2 , Aldhafeeri,N2 .(2012). Evaluation of the Utilization of E-blackboard system among Student and Instructors in KSAU-HS. The Journal of American Sciences.8(5). ISSN 1545-1003
| The Relationships of Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Behaviors, and Conflict Management Styles in Prelicensure Nursing Students: Structural Equation Modeling. Manuscript submitted to a journal for publication.
| The Impact of Educational Program on Cultural Competencey Level Among Nursing Interns at King Saud Bin Abdulaizi University: Quasi Experimental Design IRB approval already received (#IRB/0103/22).
| Resilience and Academic Burnout DuringCOVID-19AmongUndergraduate Nursing Students at King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University: Descriptive Correlational Design. IRB approval already received. (#IRB/1112/22)
| The effect of Work-family Conflict on Staff Nurse’ Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotional intelligence. Under KAIMRC IRB review