MSN(Master of Science) in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Major Interests/ Working Fields
| Apply integrated research-based knowledge from nursing. |
| Ongoing faculty development through initiating, participating, attending workshops, scientific conferences, symposia and projects.
| | Utilizing Student-Centered Learning as an effective strategy of teaching which improves students’ critical thinking skills, clinical decision making and clinical reasoning. | | Provide leadership in research and Contribute to research and administration activities. |
Recent research activities/ publications
Published research paper on ‘’Quality of Life among children with Cerebral Palsy- A pilot study’’ in the (Web of Science) International Journal of Early childhood special Education, May, 2022
Published review paper on “Feeding interventions for
CP children” in the International Journal for Innovative Research in
Multidisciplinary Field, Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal,
Volume - 8, Issue - 3, MARCH - 2022
Presented research paper on
“Diabetes Prevalence and Quality of Life of Female Nursing Students’’ at the Fourth Annual Research
Forum for CAMS-Jeddah held at KSAU-HS, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 20th January 2022
| Presented Poster on “Telepsychiatry
and comprehensive mental health India” during the Sixth Health Professions Conference held at
KSAU-HS on 25-27 January 2022, Riyadh, KSA
| | Published research paper on ‘’Quality of life of
Children with Cerebral Palsy’’ in the Innovative Journal of Medical and Health
Science, Jan-Feb,2021