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Faculty Enhancement Unit

​​“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

- Benjamin Frank​lin.​​

Announcement ​​

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Registration Link​​​

A​b​ou​t Us​​​​​

The Colle
ge of Medicine offers its faculty many opportunities for professional development and has ​developed pro​fessional ​​​development programs to meet the requirements of the profession, the faculty an​d the College.​

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Faculty Enhancement Online Progr​am At College O​f Medicine​


Faculty Enhancement Unit at College of Medicine in King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Science (KSAU-HS) is a unit focusing on all the faculty enhancement activities. The role of this unit is to provide training on different teaching and learning skills to improve the quality of faculty members work. This is done by providing online training programs and workshops selected in proportion to the faculty training needs. 

Believing in the role of modern technology in r​educi​ng time and effort, and our desire to deliver training and make training accessible to everyone to cope with the busy schedules or the appropriate training times for each. Prepared by experts and specialists by designing a series of distance training programs.​


The online faculty enhancement activities aimed at identifying, developing, and supporting faculty-driven subjects and initiatives, and KSAU-HS role as a national leader in higher education.​


    • Building on a solid foundation of an online faculty de​velopment programs in teaching and learning.
    • Strive for excellence in teaching and learning; scholarship and assessment ; curriculum development; leadership and engagement. These initiatives, with organizational support will work closely with faculty to develop a shared repertoire of resources aimed at quality enhancement at all levels within our college.

Dr. Abdulaziz Alhassan
Head, Faculty Enhancement Unit
Assistant Professor in Medical Education Department​
College of Medicine, KSAU-HS

Faculty Enhancement Unit Members 

​​Ms. Shouq Alanazi
Administrative Of
College of Me​dicine, KSAU-HS 
Ext. 95233​​

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​​Administrative Support

 College of Medicine - Male  Branch


+966 11 4299999 Ext: 95322​.​​​