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 Partnerships & Collaborations

​​Guidelines for Extra-curricular Community Service Activities & Proposals

Preparatory Phase​

1- Submitting Proposals:

    • Any new initiative is to be submitted to the committee through filling the proposal available on the designated platform via e-services*.
      Any student can submit a proposal for a community service project, provided they fulfill all criteria. Students can recommend supervisors from the College of Medicine faculty in the proposal.​

    •  Proposals are to be submitted at least 2 months prior intended implementation date.​

    • 2- Criteria for Prioritizing Potential Projects for Implementation:

    •  Complete proposal.​

      Goal of the project is relevant to society's needs.​

      ​Community service must be completed during the timeframe between enrollment in the College of Medicine and graduation.       

      Innovation of idea and design is appreciated.        

      No payment, compensation or academic credit may be received for an activity for it to be classified as community service.​

      If a third party is present, students must be able to provide the organization's name, name of corresponding person in that organization, phone number, email and other relevant contact details.       

      Appropriate time and place with special considerations for the world health calendar events (days/weeks/months).

Implementation Phase

1- Choosing candidates:                                

    •  Idea owner can be the project's leader; given they provide well-thought out planning.​ 

      • Selecting candidates is through a unified form. Appendex.2 (under development).​  

        •  The form is distributed through the official platforms of COM (twitter, webpage, email).  

            •  The form is to be released for all batches and both genders simultaneously in respective campuses.  

              • Interviews of candidates might be utilized when deemed necessary. 

                  • Leadership roles are prioritized for more experienced volunteers.

                      • Organizer roles are prioritized for novice volunteers.  

                          • ​​If a student holding a leadership position has circumstances that would prevent him/her from conducting the duties expected, according to the role they already committed to, s/he should make their best effort to find a suitable substitute.

2- Logistics:

 The College of Medicine and/or the Deanship of Student Affairs will provide workspace and transportation necessary for the project.​

3- Funding:  

  • The College of Medicine, the Deanship of Student Affairs and/or the Center of Community Health Promotion will be the official body when contacting potential stakeholders, ​however, funding may be sought from external bodies.

4- Code of Conduct & Liability:

  •  S​tudents should remember that they represent KSAU-HS and the College of Medicine and should always use the best academic and professional conduct during community service activities.​  

    •  The College of Medicine is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any community-based organization. Students who choose to contact any such organization do so at their own risk, and in doing so, assume any and all risks of damage, loss or injury resulting from contact with any such organizations, and release and discharge the College from all related liability.​

Post-Event Phase​

1- Documentation:  

          •   The event audience (on site or online audience): demographic category, number of beneficiaries and feedback surveys.  

              • The volunteer participants: roles, numbers and feedback surveys if applicable.  

                • Archiving the event activities.

                    • 2- Attendance Clearance of volunteers:

                    • ​ Students should always alert organization supervisors if they are unable to participate in a scheduled service activity. The supervisors reserve the right not to certify a student for service if too many absences are reported.​

3- Issuing Certificates:  

C​ertificates will be issued from the College of Medicine including, the name of the event, date, and the student's role.​

      • * As the e-service platform is currently under development, meanwhile, an electronic form should be filled (​​Link ) tand any inquiries sent to the Riyadh Campus Community Service Subcommittee admin support at​

​​Administrative Support

 College of Medicine - Male Branch


+966 11 4299999 Ext: 95208​​​​