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Pharm.D. Program & Strategic Goals

​​​​​Pharm.D. Program Goals

 Pharm.D. Goal 1: To graduate Pharmacists who are ready for pharmacy practice, able to design patient‐centered evidence‐based care plans, optimize therapeutic outcomes and provide pharmaceutical services in other settings.

 Pharm.D. Goal 2: To graduate Pharmacists who are life-long learners who will stay up to date and are able to design, conduct, publish and evaluate research in relevant fields.

 Pharm.D. Goal 3: To graduate Pharmacists who can collaborate with healthcare professionals and serve the community to promote wellness and advocate patient right to effective and safe medications.

Strategic Goals

Strategic Goal 1: To graduate Pharmacists who are ready for pharmacy practice, able to design patient‐centered evidence‐based care plans, optimize therapeutic outcomes and provide pharmaceutical services in other settings.

Strategic Goal 2: To graduate Pharmacists who are life-long learners who will stay up to date and are able to design, conduct, publish and evaluate research in relevant fields. 

Strategic Goal 3: To graduate Pharmacists who can collaborate with healthcare professionals and serve the community to promote wellness and advocate patient right to effective and safe medications.

Strategic Goal 4: To recruit and retain excellent diverse faculty and other personnel who inspire their students and support their own development in light of new pedagogical modalities and administrative expectations.

Strategic Goal 5: To integrate with Pharmaceutical Care Department at the National Guard Health Affairs and collaborate with public- and private-sector partners to address the health needs of the society and provide diverse community activities.

Strategic Goal 6: To produce quality student and faculty research, generate scholarship that advances the wellbeing of the society.

Strategic Goal 7: To develop and maintain intellectually stimulating facilities that provide equitable teaching and learning opportunities for male and female students.

Strategic Goal 8: To create and propagate a culture of continuous quality that improves the effectiveness of the College of Pharmacy academic, research, clinical training and administrative activities and enable it to attain national and international recognition.​