Evidence for By-laws, Internal System, Academic Policies and Procedures
There are different types of regulations, the most important are the internal Bylaws based on the Council of Higher Education Bylaws, Academic Policies and Procedures and the Administrative Policies and Procedures. The University Standing Committee for Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Committee Reviews Bylaws and Academic Policies and Procedures every 5 years, The Committee ensures that the Internal University Bylaws are aligned and follow the governmental Bylaws related to Higher education, Civil Peru, Labour, and any other related Bylaws.
List of By-laws:
1. The Internal University Bylaws
2. Study and Examinations Bylaws
3. Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Bylaws
4. Faculty Leave Bylaws
5. Faculty Bylaws
6. Health Practitioners Faculty Bylaws
7. Student activity Bylaws
8. Postgraduate Bylaws
9. Scientific Association Bylaws
10. Student Fund Bylaws
11. Scholarship & Training Bylaws
12. Anti-Cyber Crime and Disclosure of Confidential Documents and Information Bylaw
13. Executive Regulations and Procedural Rules for Electronic Media Publishing in Social Media
14. Scientific Publishing
List of Academic Policies and Procedures:
1. Internal Quality Assurance System
2. Course Evaluation
3. Program Student experience evaluation
4. Guidelines for faculty experience survey
5. Organizational Charts Development
6. Students’ Engagement
7. Guidelines for Employee Satisfaction Survey
8. President’s Award
9. Academic Counseling
10. Program Advisory Committee
11. Guidelines for Alumni Survey
12. Annual Program Report
13. Program and Course Approval
14. KSAU-HS Faculty Office Hours
15. Guidelines for Alumni Unit
16. Guidelines for Community Engagement
17. Field Experience Report
18. Employer Satisfaction Survey APP
19. Collection Development Policy
20. Cataloging Procedures Policy
21. Circulation and Borrowing Policies
22. Service Policy
23. Electronic Information Resource Policy
24. Conduct Policies
25. Internship Governance
26. College of Applied Medical Sciences and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, Allied Health Professional Faculty and Scientists Engagement in Clinical Practice
27. Course Report
28. Students Records and Confidentiality Policy
29. Precautionary Guide for Curriculum Delivery During Covid-19 Pandemic Executive plan for Curricula Delivery for the Academic Year 2020-2021 During Covid-19 Pandemic
30. KSAU-HS Faculty Research Mentoring
31. KSAUHS New Faculty Research Orientation
32. Research Enhancement in KSAU-HS
33. Honoraria and Financial Remuneration During the Educational Activity
Administrative Policies and Procedures
The University is presenting the registry for the administrative policies and procedures for non-academic departments. The administrative policies and procedures are covering the following Departments:
1. Logistics and Procurement
2. Support Services
3. Security and Safety
4. Human Resources
5. Finance
6. Office Services
7. Communication
8. Technical Affairs