31.     Conflict of Interest Policy

The University would like to ensure that University leaders shall warrant that the following are understood and observed by all staff in their respective departments:


·         The University will not, in any circumstance, accept that any of its employees conduct any practice that could possibly conflict with The University interest, specifically the following practices:

o Have, or permit his spouse or minor dependent children to have any financial interest, either direct or indirect, in any related/competing entity unless The University establishes that such interests do not conflict with its interests, and that there is no reasonable likelihood that such interests will influence employee judgment or actions in performing his/her duties.

o Render service to, represent, or undertake to act for any related/competing entity, whether for compensation or not, unless it has been established by the University that such relations do not conflict with its interests, and that there is no reasonable likelihood that they will influence employee judgment or actions in performing his/her duties.

o Solicit, accept, or permit employee spouse or minor dependent children to accept any personal gift or benefit from any related concern/competing entity.

·         Employees must not become obligated to any supplier or contractor and shall not participate in any University transaction from which they may personally benefit.

·         Any offer of a personal benefit made to an employee or member of the employee's family, by a representative of related or competing entity should be reported by the employee to the supervisor.

·         Exchange of gifts or favors as a result of kinship, marriage, or social relationships beyond and apart from business relationships are exempted from this policy.

·         Making public all or any of the University confidential information.

·         Employees must not use their positions or knowledge gained at the University to improperly influence decisions to their personal advantage or to that of their families or friends.

·         Employees shall make every effort to avoid dual relationships that could impair their judgment or increase the risk of exploitation.

·         The Supervisor or reporting authority of an employee of the University has the responsibility to report to Internal Audit any potential conflict of interest s/he becomes aware of and which may affect transactions wherein the University is a party.

·         The University employees must not use University facilities and properties, or working time to promote interests other than those of the University.

·         The University employees must not disclose or use any confidential information gained in the course of employment with the University for their own personal profit or advantage.

·         All employees must avoid conflicts of interest. In the case where an apparent conflict of interest develops, employees must disclose the facts promptly to their immediate supervisor or their Department Head who will then contact the Faculty & Staff Relations regarding the proper action to take. Faculty & Staff Relations may refer the case to the investigation department for further investigation.

·         The employee who has hiring or leadership authority (Department Head/Chairman, Vice Presidents, Directors, Managers and/or Supervisors) should:

o Extend no preferential treatment in hiring or in other Human Resources actions, such as promotions, demotions to relatives or friends of employees, medical staff, volunteers, or other persons officially or unofficially affiliated with KSAU-HS.

o Hire or transfer blood relative, close relative by marriage, spouse to a position which would result in a supervisor/subordinate relationship between the two related parties.

·         Report potential or actual conflicts of interest as per the authority matrix.


The University recognizes that many conflicts of interest that are correctly disclosed can be adequately managed without detriment to the reputation, integrity or position of KSAU-HS or the individual.