The committee formation
· Associate Deans for Academic Affairs (Chairperson).
· Chairpersons and Deputy Chairpersons.
· Representatives from Course Coordinators.
· Student representative from each batch.
· The Chairman may invite any course coordinator.
Charges of the Committee
1. To define and implement the learning outcomes, goals and structure of the college curriculum.
2. To oversee the teaching, organization and management of the college educational program.
3. To review analyzed data reported by the College Program Evaluation and Student Assessment Committee.
4. To propose educational policies and procedures.
5. To oversee the evaluation of course content to identify areas of deficiency or redundancy in the curriculum and to correct or modify these where appropriate.
6. To recommend major changes in the curriculum or course structure, duration or order, or addition of a new required course as deemed necessary for improvement of curriculum.
7. To assign, with the consent of the departments involve, the faculty staff for teaching students.
8. To report to the Dean and the College Council unresolved problems in the teaching of the curriculum.
9. To submit to the University Central Committee any major changes in the curriculum.
10. To plan continuous assessment of student at the end of course examinations in coordination with the Student Assessment Committee.
11. To consider all matters related to the college education of students and make appropriate recommendations accordingly.
· The Colleges Curricula Committee shall meet upon an invitation from the chairperson at least once a month, as per the call of the chairperson, or in case that one-third of the committee members wrote a request to the chairperson to call for a meeting.
· The meeting is deemed invalid unless two-thirds of the members are present.
· Resolutions are issued upon majority of votes of those present. When equal, the side with the Chairperson’s vote is passed.