E-Transaction Committee aims to enhance the communication between the University and the governmental facilities via “Yasser System”
The Committee Formation
· General Director, Administrative and Financial Affairs
· General Director, Technical Information Services and Health Informatics
· Regional Director, Technical Information Services and Health Informatics
· Director, Educational Technology Services
· Corporate Director, Human Resources and Payroll
Charges of the Committee
1. Review the requirements of KSAU-HS with “Yasser” System for electronic transactions in government sectors or any other facilities.
2. Specify the strategic projects that need external facilities support via Yasser System.
3. To ensure the implementation of the government's e-transactions plan that follows the policies and technical specifications.
4. Agree on the implementation of the Government E-transaction System to connect all facilities in order to facilitates the data exchange.
5. Conforming the requirements to the national standards in coordination with the e-transaction System "Yasser".