23.     Operational Policies and Procedures Committee

The committee formation

·         General Director, Administrative and Financial Affairs (Chairperson).

·         General Director, Technical Affairs.

·         Corporate Director, Logistics Services.

·         Corporate Director, Manpower Planning and Development.

·         Operations Director, KAIMRC

·         Corporate Director, Legal Affairs.

·         Corporate Director Internal Audit.

·         Policy Reviewer, Deanship of Development.

·         Additional members to be invited by the Chairman (when needed)

Charges of the Committee

1.    Conduct comprehensive review and approve all operational APPs within the University taken into consideration the external and internal rules and regulations.

2.    Review and approve all Forms and Business Processes to improve efficiency of all operations within the University.

3.    Review and approve all initiatives and development plans related to all Operational Departments.

4.    To discuss and recommend any other related matter as needed.