30.     Quality Assurance and Safety Committee with Technical Affairs

To set a guideline and develop the procedure of the quality assurance and safety measures for the daily operations to ensure the smooth operations of KSAU-HS. As well as to provide save and supportive environment for the staff.

The committee formation

·         Chairman: Corporate Director, U&M, Technical Affairs, KSAU-HS

·         Co-Chairperson: Director, Technical Affairs, CR

·         Director, Healthcare Technology Management Services.

·         Deputy Director, U&M- Operations, CR

·         Deputy Director, TA, CR

·         Manager, Project Support

·         Manager, Project Management Office

·         Mechanical Engineer, U&M-Operations, CR

·         Electrical Engineer, U&M-Operations, CR

·         Architect, Design Office

·         QA/QC Engineer, CR

·         Safety Engineer

Charges of the Committee

1.        Set the guidelines for quality assurance and safety reports for all TA Regional Committees.

2.        Review reports, benchmarks and KPIs submitted by all TA Regional Committees.

3.        Identify areas that need improvement and to process the appropriate action for all Regional TA.

4.        Lead the process of accreditation in its respective areas.

5.        Create working groups to handle specific non-academic accreditation standards or issues.

6.        Monitor and enforce the standards of practice to enhance quality of practice and reduce incompetence.

7.        Review the safety Criteria Checklist and Safety surveys conducted, monitor and assist in resolving identified problems.

8.        Submit regular reports to the KSAU Steering Committee for Quality Assurance & Academic Accreditation.

9.        Ensure uniformity of practice in all Regional TA.