The council formation
· Chairman: General Director, Technical Affairs, KSAU-HS
· Coordinator: General Director, Support Services, KSAU-HS
· Corporate Director. LCM, KSAU& KAIMRC
· General Director, IT Services Technology and Health Informatics, KSAU-HS.
· Director, Safety Office, KAIMRC
· Director, Technical Affairs, CR, KSAU-HS
· Corporate Director, Internal Audit & KAIMRC
Charges of the Council
1. Develop policies and procedures for health, safety, security and environment management for KSAU-HS & KAIMRC in cooperation with concerned areas.
2. Ensure compliance with all applicable health, safety, security and environment policies and procedures, government rules, regulations, and royal decrees.
3. Evaluate the status of hazardous materials, waste and environmental monitoring and the Occurrence Variance Accident (OVA) Reports.
4. Identify gaps and develop procedures necessary to correct deficiencies.
5. Develop and recommend a KSAU-HS & KAIMRC Security Strategic Plan and ensure proper implementation of the plan in all regions. Review and recommend security measures / requirements that include but not limited to equipment, manpower, systems for approval.
6. Receive reports from the different regions regarding their safety and security programs
7. Identify areas for improvement in security practice, including Security Personnel training as well as KSAU-HS staff orientation, education and security awareness campaign.