3.  University Scientific Council

Scientific Council Formation

The University has a Scientific Council (USC) that has the role to supervise the scientific affairs of faculty members as well as research, studies, publications, and any other related issues. The Scientific Council is formed by the following members:

·         Vice President for Postgraduate Studies who shall be the chairperson.

·         One member of the faculty of each college with the ranking of at least an Associate Professor. The appointment will be based on a nomination of the College Council, University President’s approval, and a resolution from the University Council.

·         Other faculty members, who are involved in research and scientific cases, may join the council. This is subject to the condition that they do not exceed half of the total number of members. All members shall be appointed for a two-year term renewable only once. The council is entitled to form standing or temporary committees of its own members or others to study any assigned cases.

Charges of the University Scientific Council

1.        Reviews academic staff qualifications for credentialing and appointment purposes.

2.        Forms committees for examining scientific research of the teaching staff upon the suggestion of the Colleges Boards.

3.        Recommends the appointment or promotion of faculty staff.

4.        Recommends the production of new scientific journals.

5.        Recommend the convening of conferences/seminars (local, regional or international).

6.        Recommend conference/seminar attendance (local, regional or international) of faculty staff.

7.        Submits the Scientific Council Annual Report to the President, KSAU-HS.

8.        Establishes the rules and principles to ensure the performance of the Council’s duties.

9.        Studies any issue referred to it from the President.

10.     Recommends establishing new scientific societies.

11.     Disseminating scientific researches, literature, and theses that deserve to publish

12.     Determine the incentive rewards for scientific works

University Scientific Council meetings

·         The USC shall meet upon an invitation of its chairperson at least once a month.

·         The chairperson may also call for a meeting when a third of its members presented a written request to meet, or based upon a request from the university President who may chair the meeting if present.

·         The President has the right to call for a meeting when necessary and he/she may include any matter in his agenda.

·         The meetings are deemed invalid unless two-third of the members are present.

·         Resolutions of the USC are issued by the majority of votes of those present. If the votes are equal, the side with the chairperson’s vote is honored. The resolutions are deemed effective unless challenged by the University President within 15 days of receiving them. If objected to, the President shall return them to the USC with a justification of his perspective to be reviewed again. If the council reserves its initial resolution, resolutions objected will be referred to the UC to be reviewed in an ordinary or exceptional meeting. The council may approve, amend, or eliminate the resolutions in question, and this decision is deemed final.