5.  Student Fund

The Student Fund aims to provide services to students such as providing subsidies and loans for the students, investment projects in printing, copying, shops, providing office and scientific tools, supporting student activities, and providing prizes for them.

Student Fund Formation

·         Dean of Student Affairs, (Chairman)

·         One of the Vice-Dean of Student Affairs, (Vice-President)

·         Three members of the faculty staff of the educational institution of interest.

·         Three of the efficient and active students.

·         The Financial Manager at the university or one of the specialists in financial affairs.

·         The Executive Director of the Fund.


The appointment of members in (2-3-4) shall be upon nomination by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and for a period of two years’ renewable for one time, taking into account the rotation between colleges whenever possible.

Charges of the Student Fund Committee

1.        To review student fund proposals, projects, bylaw proposals and align them to the overall University mission and strategic plan.

2.        To review and provide advice in matters related to student fund.

3.        To review and provide advice in non-academic activities.

4.        To review and provide advice for strategies related to student fund processes.

5.        To ensure high outcomes related to student fund programs and training sessions.

6.        To review the number of beneficiaries of the student fund programs.

University Scientific Council meetings

·         The Student Fund committee shall meet upon an invitation of its chairperson once a month.

·         The chairperson may also call for a meeting when a third of its members presented a written request to meet, or based upon a request from the university President who may chair the meeting if present.

·         The President has the right to call for a meeting when necessary and he/she may include any matter in his agenda.

·         The meetings are deemed invalid unless two-third of the members are present.

·         Resolutions of the USC are issued by the majority of votes of those present. If the votes are equal, the side with the chairperson’s vote is honored. The resolutions are deemed effective unless challenged by the University President within 15 days of receiving them. If objected to, the President shall return them to the USC with a justification of his perspective to be reviewed again. If the council reserves its initial resolution, resolutions objected will be referred to the UC to be reviewed in an ordinary or exceptional meeting. The council may approve, amend, or eliminate the resolutions in question, and this decision is deemed final.