18​.     University Central Curriculum Committee

The committee formation order is approved by the UC. It is chaired by one of the Vice Presidents with memberships from different health specialties, colleges, and educationalist. It has a two-year term. The committee meetings minutes are approved by University President and major resolutions are presented to the UC.

Charges of the committee

1.            Review new academic programs after meeting the legal requirements to accomplish the Saudi vision 2030 aims and the needs of the labor    market.

2.            Follow up on the implementation of the transition to the three-semester system

3.            Review the academic programs periodically, according to the University Bylaws.

4.            Update the general policies for reviewing and developing academic programs and their procedural rules.

5.            Provide recommendations to the University President regarding the amendments of the academic curriculum according to University Bylaws.

6.            Discuss all that is referred to the committee by His Excellency the President of the University or the University Vice Presidents