21.     University Female Campus Board

The University Female Campus Board aims to enhance communication and collaboration at the academic and administrative levels between the Female colleges in the three regions.

The committee formation

·         Vice President of Female Affairs (Chairperson).

·         Deans, College of Nursing

·         Associate Deans / Assistant Deans, Female Campus (Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Ahsa).

·         Associate Dean, Deanship of Student Affairs

·         Manager, Information Technology Department, Female Campus

·         Supervisor, Administrative Affairs Department, VPFA

·         Supervisor, Public Relations Department, VPFA

·         Technical Affairs Department, Female Campus representative

·         Support Service Department, Female Campus representative

Charges of the University Female Campus Board

1.        To provide advice on female campuses (Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Ahsa) strategic plan in coherence with the university strategic plan.

2.        To provide advice to all academic and administrative related matters submitted from all female college branches and supporting deanships within the female campus.

3.        To oversee all the aspects of the educational process.

4.        To ensure mutual coordination and collaboration between female college branches among all regions (Central, Western and Eastern).

5.        To ensure the implementation of unified procedures among all female colleges in the three regions.

6.        To provide advice in overcoming obstacles faced by the departments within the female campus.

7.        To ensure the utilization of the available resources to meet the female campus needs.

8.        To ensure upgrading infrastructure to improve the quality of education.

9.        To ensure professional development for faculty and administrative staff.

10.     To ensure working with faculty, staff and students to improve the female campus quality of life.

11.     To ensure the implementation of University Female Campus Board decisions.