12.     University General Disciplinary Committee

The committee formation

·         Dean of Deanship of Student Affairs (Chairperson).

·         Dean of Deanship of Admission and Registration

·         Associate Deans of Deanship of Student Affairs

·         Two faculties from the male side (one is from Jeddah and the other one from Al-Ahsa) Members

·         Two faculties from the female side (one is from Jeddah and the other one from Al-Ahsa) Members

·         Corporate Directors, legal Affairs.

·         Counseling and Disciplinary Director at the Student Affairs Deanship Committee Secretary.

Charges of the Committee

1.    To issue the Disciplinary resolutions based on the reports submitted from the sub-disciplinary committees in the University colleges.

2.    To review and provide advice in matters related to General Disciplinary Committee.

3.    To submit cases (if applicable) to H.E the University president.

4.    To review and provide advice regarding the sub-disciplinary committees in the University colleges.

5.    To anticipate risk and emerging issues and opportunities and exercise initiatives in response.
