1​7. University Strategic Planning and Performance Management Standing Committee

This committee (SPPM) formed to deal with the University strategic plan, performance management, (including the key performance Indicators and benchmarking) and the University ranking nationally and internationally.

The committee formation

·         Vice President of Development and Quality Management (Chairperson).

·         Dean of the Deanship of Development (Co-chairperson)

·         Dean of the Deanship of Quality Management

·         Associate Deans for Deanship of Quality Management

·         Vice President of Female Affairs.

·         Assistant Deans Vice President of Educational Affairs.

·         General Director, Administrative and Financial Affairs

·         Representative from university research office.

·         Representative from King Abdullah International Medical Research Center

Charges of the Committee

1.            Propose roadmap and mechanisms for establishing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the University strategic planning and performance      management.

2.            Review the University’s annual reports, study its content, standardize its forms, and recommend it to be submitted to the University Council

3.            Monitor and propose improvement of the University ranking nationally and internationally.

4.            Identify areas that need improvement and propose performance initiatives/projects across university.

5.            Evaluate the strategies and performance of the University, colleges, and programs according to the local and international academic standards,      and propose solutions for improvement.

6.            Review and update current strategic plan and related performance measures and benchmarks to meet the required internal and external    standards.

7.            Deal with any related matters to strategic plan, performance management and ranking issues.