The University Council (UC) is the highest decision-making body within the University. The UC provides effective direction in the interest of KSAU-HS, the communities it serves, and all its stakeholders through policy development and process accountability. The working agenda of the Council is designed to promote institutional stability in ways that foster the University mission of developing academic and research activities for the benefit of the University and different stakeholders.
University Council Formation
The UC is a deliberative and broadly represented forum, which exists to consider University activities in all its phases. With a particular attention to the educational objectives of the University and those matters that affect the common interests of faculty and students. The UC consists of:
o Minister of Education (Chairperson of the Council)
o President (Deputy Chairperson)
o Secretary General of the Universities Affair Council
o Vice Presidents
o Deans
o Three experienced appointees by the Minister of Education for a three-year term.
The Council is chaired by the Minister of Education. The Chairman may delegate the chairpersonship to the Co-Chairman in his absence. Based on the recommendation of the Council and approval of the chairperson, a member of the Council will be assigned as a General Secretary.
An orientation process is offered to new members to thoroughly introduce them into their role with information about the University mission, vision and strategic goals and objectives, and about the University governance structure.
With compliance with the provisions of this system and other bylaws, and the decisions of the University Affairs Council, the Council of the university carries out scientific, administrative, and financial affairs, and implements the university’s general policy.
Charges of the University Council
Through its policy-making role, the UC is ultimately accountable for all the macro structural components of the University system. The Council is authorized to initiate and recommend policy proposals as well as to express its judgment on those submitted to it by the administrative and academic divisions. It is also empowered to request information through appropriate channels from any member of the university administration.
In addition to applying all rules and regulations related to Higher Education, the UC shall review all matters related to the University:
1. To approve training and scholarship plans.
2. To provide advices regarding the establishment, merging, deletion, or name amendment of colleges, institutes, departments, and research centers.
3. To approve scientific disciplines and graduate programs.
4. To grant scientific degrees to University graduates.
5. To award honorary doctorates.
6. To determine the details of the academic calendar and the interspersed holidays according to the general framework of the beginning and end of the study.
7. To assign and deploy faculty members for scientific missions and terminate their services according to the governing bylaws.
8. To approve the curricula study plans, textbooks, and references based on the proposal of the Colleges’ and Deanships’ Council.
9. To suggest awards for students and student loans of different types.
10. To approve the University Budget project and its submission to the Minister of Education.
11. To approve non-financial, non-position related internal regulations and bylaws of the University.
12. To Proposing or amending university regulations.
13. To discuss the annual report in preparation for presentation to the Universities Affair Council to determine the budget to be allocated for each College, Institute, Deanship or independent research center within the limits of the financial regulations.
14. To discuss the final accounts of the University in preparation for submitting it to the Prime Minister.
15. To approve the plans of the University extracurricular activities.
16. To approve the appointment of faculty members based on the recommendation of the University Scientific Council (USC).
17. To approve acceptance of donations, gifts, bequests, and/or other offering, if they do not conflict with the primary purpose for which the university was established.
18. To establish the rules and regulations for visiting and transferred students
19. To consider the issues referred to by the Minister of Education, the President, or proposed by any member of the council.
20. To approve the university's vision, mission and goals, and formulating its academic, financial and administrative policies.
21. To approve of the university's organizational structure and guide.
22. University governance and ensuring that the university’s vision, mission and goals are met.
23. To approve the rules governing the appointment of deans of colleges, deanships, institutes, centers, and heads of scientific departments.
24. To approve the rules governing the support of scientific research, innovation, authoring, translation and publishing
25. To adoption of the rules governing the provision of advisory and academic services to the public and private sectors and civil society institutions.
26. To approve of the formation of the advisory council for faculty members at the university, its terms of reference and its work rules.
27. To approve of the formation of the Student Advisory Council and specification of its terms of reference and its work rules.
28. To approve of issuing scientific journals and periodicals.
29. To approve of the establishment of scientific societies.
30. To agree to establish companies, to participate in their establishment, or to enter the university as a partner or a shareholder, in accordance with the statutory procedures.
o The UC shall meet upon an invitation from the chairperson at least once a month. This could be as per the call of the chairperson or when one third of the UC members wrote a request to the chairperson to call for a meeting.
o The Deputy Chairperson of the UC must submit the agenda to the chairperson of the Council (Minister of Education). The chairperson may add and/or defer items to the agenda prior to the meeting.
o The meeting is deemed invalid unless two-thirds of the members are present.
o Resolutions are issued upon majority of votes of those present. When equal, the side with the chairperson’s vote is passed.
o The board may form permanent or temporary committees from its members, or others.
o The General Secretary shall:
- Evaluate the outcomes against the objectives for the meetings.
- Distribute meeting minutes including decisions and action items.
- Follow up with those unable to attend.
- Monitor the completion of action item.