6. ​Postgraduate Education Standing Committee

The committee formation

It is a committee that is organizationally linked to and chaired by the Vice President for Postgraduate Education. It is entrusted to support the University Council in executing its duties relevant to postgraduate education affairs, with the membership of:

  • Five deans of colleges and institutes, which offer postgraduate programs at the university, taking into account the diversity of specializations of colleges and institutes.
  • The dean of the Deanship of Development, and the dean of the Deanship of Quality at the University.
  • Dean of the Deanship of Postgraduate Education (Secretary of the Committee).
  • Three members with experience and specialization in postgraduate education from inside or outside the university.
  • The members mentioned above shall be appointed by a decision of the University Council, upon nomination by the President of the University, for a renewable period of two years.

Charges of the Committee

1.         P​ropose the general policy for postgraduate education at the university, and follow up its implementation after it is approved by the University Council.

2.         Recommend the approval of the admission requirements for postgraduate programs and its updates, based on the proposal from the councils of departments, colleges and competent institutes.

3.         Supervise joint postgraduate programs.

4.         Recommend the approval and amendment of postgraduate programs – after studying and arbitrating them – to the University Council, upon a proposal from the Department Council and the endorse of it from the college council.

5.         Recommend the approval of study plans and detailed criteria for the University Council, upon a proposal from the Department Council and the endorse of it from the college council, in accordance with international standards.

6.         Propose the standards of postgraduate programs to be approved by the University Council.

7.          Propose the regulations of the evaluation of postgraduate programs to be approved by the University Council.

8.         Supervise the evaluation of postgraduate programs at the university periodically, through specialized committees or bodies from inside or outside the university.

9.         Study the comprehensive report which prepared by the Deanship of Postgraduate Education about the postgraduate programs at the university, including the results of the evaluation of those programs, and submit them to the University Council.

10.      Recommend the approval of the colleges councils’ proposals regarding new higher education programs that correspond to the community needs, the Kingdom visions, and global directives; to be approved by the University Council.

11.      Endorse proposals for determining degrees and scientific certificates, and their names in Arabic and English, based on the proposals from the councils of departments and colleges.

12.     Recommend the numbers of students who can be admitted each academic year to the postgraduate programs for the University Council, upon the proposal from the competent departmental councils, and the endorse of it from the colleges councils.

13.     Propose the regulations of the formation of supervisory and scientific researches discussion committees.

14.     Enact the general frameworks and standards for comprehensive tests and graduation researches.

15.      Enact the general framework of research plans, and the regulations of how to write, print, produce and submit scientific researches. In addition to prepare reports forms to use by the discussion committee, and while judging the researches’.

16.     Study the periodic reports related to postgraduate education, which is submitted by the scientific departments at the university.

17.    Propose to provide postgraduate programs outside the university, and submit it to the University Council to take what it deems appropriate.

18.    Recommend the approval of the proposals from university colleges on development initiatives related to postgraduate education to develop the financial resources of the university.

19.     Recommend the determine of the application fees for the postgraduate programs, and the tuition fees for the programs, and the support services fees that related to the postgraduate education, based on the proposals from the councils of departments and colleges.

20.    Recommend the allocation of free scholarships to students – full ride or partial ride - according to the regulations that is approved by the University Council.

21.    Recommend the closure or suspension of postgraduate programs, which do not comply with qualitative standards, or with the university's strategy.

22.    Consider what is referred to the Postgraduate Education Standing Committee by the Chairperson of the Committee, or the President of the University, or the University Council; to study and give its opinion.

23.    The Postgraduate Education Standing Committee may delegate some of its authorities to its Chairperson, as well as the formation of permanent or temporary committees from among its members or others to study what it is entrusted with.

The Committee Meetings

  • The Postgraduate Education Standing Committee shall meet upon an invitation of its Chairperson at least once a month, the meeting shall be valid only in the presence of at least two-thirds of its members, including the Chairperson or his Deputy from among the members of the Postgraduate Education Standing Committee.

  • Resolutions of the Postgraduate Education Standing Committee are issued by the majority of votes of those present. If the votes are equal, the side with the Chairperson’s vote is honored. The resolutions are deemed effective unless challenged by the University President within 15 days of receiving them. If objected to, the President shall return them to the Postgraduate Education Standing Committee with a justification of his perspective to be reviewed again. If the Committee reserves its initial resolution, resolutions objected will be referred to the UC to be reviewed in an ordinary or exceptional meeting. The Committee may approve, amend, or eliminate the resolutions in question, and this decision is deemed final.

  • The Chairperson has the right to call for a meeting when necessary.