Operation Department- Female Section
The Office of the Operation, reporting to the Vice President-Female Affairs, manages the daily operations of female colleges, including but not limited to support services, technical affairs, logistics services and contracts management; and projects works to improve processes and policies, and lead long-term organizational planning.

| Ensuring that all female campuses operations are carried on in an appropriate and cost-effective way. |

| Monitoring daily works in coordination with the concerned departments.

| Monitoring & coordinating female campuses' projects as needed.

| Ensuring that KSAU-HS Female Campus teams follow standard operating procedures for all operational functions.

| Providing administrative support and guidance to staff.

| Establishing and maintaining effective communication and working relations with other departments.
Administrative Affairs Department Supervisor
Ms. Fatimah Hasoosah
Ext: 99022
Ms. Hessah al Ghafis
Ext: 99020
Email: Alghafish@ksau-hs.edu.sa