​​International Women's Day Awards



International Women's Day, is a global event that is held annually every 8th of March to celebrate and promote the achievements of women.

In view of next year's celebration, The Women Empowerment Department - TDM aims to highlight the achievements of the female members of the KSAU-HS.​ 

With this, we would like distinguish the exceptional women in our university who earned personal or professional achievements and awards in the year 2021-2022 in the following areas:

•   Professional license certification (e.g. PMP, SHRM, CCNA, etc.)
•   Continuing Education (e.g. Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.)
•   National / International Awards in Research
•   National / International Awards in Sports
•   National / International Awards in Humanitarian Work

You may provide us with the necessary information by accessing https://tdm.ksau-hs.edu.sa

before the 31st of December 2022.